911tabsBands - BButch Walker chords & tabsAdd to favorites270tabs 3,431views dec 13, 2016last updated
Best Thing You Never Had4 tabs:4———————Synthesizers10 tabs:10———————Closest Thing To You Im Gonna Find7 tabs:7———————Summer Of 895 tabs:5———————Mixtape7 tabs:7———————All tabs1 Summer Jam3 tabs:3———————212 tabs:2———————Alicia Amnesia6 tabs:5—————1—Atl3 tabs:3———————Autumn Leaves1 tabs:1———————Bed On Fire3 tabs:3———————Be Good Until Then3 tabs:3———————Best Thing You Never Had4 tabs:4———————Bethamphetamine Pretty Pretty8 tabs:8———————Canadian Ten6 tabs:6———————Chrissie Hynde1 tabs:1———————Cigarette Lighter Love Song6 tabs:6———————Closer To The Truth3 tabs:3———————Closest Thing To You Im Gonna Find7 tabs:7———————Coming Home3 tabs:3———————Coming Home Acoustic6 tabs:6———————The Dark2 tabs:2———————Days Months Years3 tabs:3———————Descending1 tabs:1———————Diary Of A San Fernando Sexx Star4 tabs:4———————Don Move1 tabs:1———————Dont Move8 tabs:8———————Dont You Think Someone Should Take You Home3 tabs:3———————Dont You Think Somone Should Take You Home2 tabs:2———————Dublin Crow4 tabs:4———————Everytime You Go Away5 tabs:5———————Fathers Day1 tabs:1———————Going Backgoing Home7 tabs:7———————Here Comes The5 tabs:5———————Hot Girls In Good Moods10 tabs:7—3—————123