911tabsBands - MMcclinton Delbert chords & tabsAdd to favorites108tabs 1,429views sep 13, 2016last updated
Shotgun Rider12 tabs:12———————Sending Me Angels5 tabs:5———————I Want To Love You12 tabs:12———————Down Into Mexico5 tabs:5———————Back To Louisiana3 tabs:3———————All tabsAutograph2 tabs:2———————Back To Louisiana3 tabs:3———————Back To Louisianacrd6 tabs:6———————Birmingham Tonight2 tabs:2———————Blues As Blues Can Get2 tabs:2———————Choking Kind2 tabs:2———————Down Into Mexico5 tabs:5———————Every Time I Roll The Dice4 tabs:4———————Givin It Up For Your Love1 tabs:1———————I Cant Quit You12 tabs:12———————Im Your Weatherman4 tabs:4———————I Want To Love You12 tabs:12———————Jealous Kind12 tabs:12———————Living It Down3 tabs:3———————Livin It Down4 tabs:4———————Sending Me Angels5 tabs:5———————Shaky Ground3 tabs:11—————1Shotgun Rider12 tabs:12———————Talkin Bout You3 tabs:3———————Too Much Stuff4 tabs:4———————Victim Of Lifes Circumstances3 tabs:3———————When Rita Leaves2 tabs:2———————Your Memory Me And The Blues1 tabs:1———————You Were Never Mine1 tabs:1———————