911tabsBands - DDesaparecidos chords & tabsAdd to favorites55tabs 1,108views sep 12, 2016last updated
Manana10 tabs:611———11Man And Wife The Former Financial Planning5 tabs:5———————Greater Omaha10 tabs:7—3—————Man And Wife The Latter Damaged Goods8 tabs:8———————Man And Wife The Latter4 tabs:4———————All tabs10 Steps Behind1 tabs:1———————Backsell1 tabs:1———————City On The Hill1 tabs:1———————Dollar Signs1 tabs:1———————Greater Omaha10 tabs:7—3—————The Happiest Place On Earth4 tabs:4———————The Left Is Right1 tabs:1———————Manana10 tabs:611———11Man And Wife The Former Financial Planning5 tabs:5———————Man And Wife The Latter4 tabs:4———————Man And Wife The Latter Damaged Goods8 tabs:8———————Radicalized1 tabs:1———————Ralphys Cut2 tabs:2———————Slacktivist1 tabs:1———————Te Amo Camila Vallejo3 tabs:3———————The Underground Man2 tabs:2———————