911tabsBands - EEddie And The Cruisers chords & tabsAdd to favorites30tabs 1,259views apr 10, 2015last updated
Those Oldies But Goodies3 tabs:3———————Season In Hell9 tabs:1—8—————Runaround Sue4 tabs:4———————Betty Lou Got A New Pair Of Shoes3 tabs:3———————Wild Summer Nights3 tabs:3———————All tabsBetty Lou Got A New Pair Of Shoes3 tabs:3———————Boardwalk Angel1 tabs:1———————Down On My Knees1 tabs:1———————Hang Up My Rock And Roll Shoes1 tabs:1———————Just A Matter Of Time1 tabs:1———————New York City Song1 tabs:1———————On The Dark Side1 tabs:1———————Runaround Sue4 tabs:4———————Season In Hell9 tabs:1—8—————Season In Hell Fire Suite1 tabs:1———————Tender Years1 tabs:1———————Those Oldies But Goodies3 tabs:3———————Wild Summer Nights3 tabs:3———————