911tabsBands - JJohn Wesley Harding chords & tabsAdd to favorites52tabs 213views feb 05, 2014last updated
Crystal Blue Persuasion4 tabs:4———————The Devil In Me3 tabs:3———————Talking Goodwill Christmas Blues5 tabs:5———————Kill The Messenger4 tabs:4———————Roy Orbison Knows4 tabs:4———————All tabsBacking Out4 tabs:4———————Crystal Blue Persuasion4 tabs:4———————The Devil In Me3 tabs:3———————I Can Tell4 tabs:4———————Kill The Messenger4 tabs:4———————Long Dead Gone4 tabs:4———————Lovers Society4 tabs:4———————The Peoples Drug4 tabs:4———————The Person You Are4 tabs:4———————The Red Rose And The Briar4 tabs:4———————Roy Orbison Knows4 tabs:4———————Save A Little Room For Me4 tabs:4———————Talking Goodwill Christmas Blues5 tabs:5———————