911tabsBands - CCosmic Rough Riders chords & tabsAdd to favorites78tabs 61views nov 13, 2014last updated
Have You Heard The News Today5 tabs:5———————Glastonbury Revisited6 tabs:6———————Melanie11 tabs:11———————Baby Youre So Free5 tabs:5———————The Loser5 tabs:5———————All tabsBaby Youre So Free5 tabs:5———————Brothers Gather Round5 tabs:5———————Emily Darling5 tabs:5———————Glastonbury Revisited6 tabs:6———————The Gun Isnt Loaded5 tabs:5———————Have You Heard The News Today5 tabs:5———————The Loser5 tabs:5———————Melanie11 tabs:11———————The Pain Inside6 tabs:6———————Revolution In The Summertime9 tabs:9———————Sometime6 tabs:6———————